I would like you to know...
I have done everything possible with regards to Covid-19 and your safety. I will ensure driftSPA confirms to the current Government guidelines and advice on virus prevention and control.
For your safety, and my own, I am:
Sanitising treatments areas between customers as well as door handles and surfaces.
Operating an appointment-only system.
Allowing only one customer in the salon at a time.
Wearing the recommended PPE equipment for your protection.
Asking customers on arrival to scan my QR code with the NHS Covid-19 app (test and trace).
Qualified with Guild Training International in Covid-19 Infection Prevention and Control.​​
Taking contactless card payments only.
If you have experienced a new cough, or sore throat in the last 14 days, or have had a temperature, or been in close contact with anyone who is suspected or confirmed to have Covid-19, please call the salon on 01736 333111. If you have any further questions or concerns please drop me a line at emily@driftspa.co.uk